Kamis, 04 Maret 2021

Preposition Of Time (At In On) Dan Pola Kalimat

Preposition (kata depan) yakni kata yang diletakkan di depan atau sebelum kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun). Fungsi preposition yaitu untuk menunjukkan kekerabatan antara kata benda, kata ganti atau frase dengan kata lain dalam sebuah kalimat. Ada banyak jenis kata depan (Preposition) salah satu yang akan kita kita pelajari yakni Preposition of Time.

Definisi dari Preposition of time yakni preposisi (kata depan) yang dipakai untuk menunjukkan waktu.
Preposition of time dipakai di depan kata waktu yang jumlahnya ada 3 macam yaitu at, in, on. Penggunaannya diletakkan sebelum kata hari, bulan dan tahun.

 yakni kata yang diletakkan di depan atau sebelum kata benda  Preposition of Time (At In On) dan Contoh Kalimat

Penggunaan At

At + jam : at 11 o’clock, at 6 p.m, at 7 a.m.
At + waktu tertentu : at night, at noon, at sunset,at dawn, at lunchtime, at bedtime, at breakfast time, at dinner time.
At + weekend : at the weekend
At + bazar : at Easter, at Christmas, at New Year.

Penggunaan in

In + periode waktu : in an hour, in two months.
In + periode waktu dalam sehari : in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.
In + bulan : in May, in August, in June.
In + tahun : in 1996, in 2000, in 2016.
In + abad : in the seventh century, in the 20th century.
In + musim : in summer, in winter, in autumn.

Penggunaan on

On + hari : on Saturday, on Monday
On + tanggal : on 4th of August 2000, on 7th of July, on 21st of March.
On + waktu tertentu di suatu hari : on Tuesday night, on Sunday morning, on Friday afternoon.
On + hari raya : on Christmas day, on Eid Mubarak day.

Note :
Jangan memakai preposition sebelum : today, tonight, tomorrow, yesterday.

Contoh penggunaan preposition of time dalam kalimat

1. Let’s go to the cinema at the weekend.
2. I’ll finish the work in the morning.
3. We went to London in June.
4. I’ve got a meeting at 10 o’clock.
5. I’m having a party on my birthday.
6. I want to go on holiday at New Year.
7. I’ve got to go to work on Monday.
8. She was born on 6th of December.
9. We’re going to the theater tomorrow night. (tanpa preposition)
10. Shall we go out tonight ? (tanpa preposition)
11. I went to University in 2011.
12. I saw Johan yesterday (tanpa preposition)
13. We’re going on holiday in spring.
14. I always have a cup of tea in the morning.
15. I saw Kevin on Friday afternoon.
16. We’re going meeting tonight (tanpa preposition)
17. We always have have a cup of coffee at breaktime.
18. Can we visit our family at Eid Mubarak.
19. I start college on 20th July.
20. It rains a little in summer.
21. I left university in 2015.

Demikianlah Preposition of Time (At In On) dan Contoh Kalimat. Semoga bermanfaat.

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